What I have learnt about myself on my spiritual path so far

What I have learnt about myself on my spiritual path so far

A new world has opened up to me

Inspired by Dorothee Amelung's blog parade (in German), I'm taking you on my own personal journey, which has opened up a whole new world for me and brought me closer to myself. Be warned at this point, there are deep insights!

The journey began in 2009

My spiritual journey began in 2009 when I found Marianna, my craniosacral therapist.

With her I got to know and love a form of shamanism, systemic constellations, trance journeys, inner child work, the spiritual world and meditation. A completely different way of life has opened up. A community of very different women. Most of them were older than me. Suddenly I experienced vulnerability, acceptance, tolerance and enormous love, simply for being me.

So many amazing women, what an incredible gift! Apart from my best friend Nicole, who knows everything about me, there were only men in my circle of friends at the time. I told myself that it was so much easier. And it was. Because it was superficial and I was able to use my ‘feminine charms’ to manipulate people - ouch - another discovery... (Do you recognise yourself?)

The term self-love and what it means were completely unfamiliar to me

And, of course, to discover who this me is. It wasn't funny at all!

I had realised that there was so much fear of rejection, shame and guilt underneath this enormous anger that I had been carrying inside me for years. That made me an angry, unapproachable woman. Pure self-protection, as I realise today. Self-love? Not a chance! I didn't even have a clue what that was...

I learnt that different opinions don't have to end in despise, gaslighting or conflict. And that in my late 20s.

Forgiveness as the key to development

In this new connection with myself, a lot of forgiveness was allowed to take place. Recognising and understanding my own behaviour in the past and primarily forgiving myself for it. Wow, that was some heavy stuff!

What emerged was love, enthusiasm and the courage to ‘reinvent’ myself!
The realisation that I had it all inside me. It was always there. It was just no longer visible or tangible due to my environment, upbringing, experiences, traumas, expectations, etc.

Some people may to dig deeper than others to find the essence again.

Would you also like to recognise your essence and start your personal reset now? Then take a look here...

The change also required courage

Six months later, I took the opportunity to emigrate to England through my job as a marketing manager at the time. Alone.

A new start that came at just the right time (of course!). This country and its people offered - and still offer me - so much space and opportunity to heal. The warmth, openness and energy here are good for me, my soul and my body.

It allowed me to redefine who I wanted to be. Who I wanted to have in my life, how I wanted to give and be myself. And I am so grateful.

And this is how my mentoring business came about

Back in Switzerland, many hours of reflection, guidance from coaches, teachers, trainers and like-minded people later, my mentoring business was born in 2015.

I gave (singing bowl) meditations, mindfulness weekends, mental centring classes, massages and started to show my marketing expertise online.

Thanks to my further training in solution-focused short-term coaching, I was now able to help people discover solutions quickly and easily by asking the right questions - without having to spend hours preparing, etc. 

Because if I had learnt one thing about myself, it was that complicated detailed work is NOT for me - AND it doesn't have to be. I realised that this weakness (as I was always told) is actually my strength and allows me to find other ways.
And I hadn't even discovered the best thing yet...

Yoga in Thailand
Saddhu Ram Raj Giri
Halte Deinen Fokus

Reading in the morphic field - another door opened

...only when I learned how to consciously read and create in the morphic field with Solveig Berg at the beginning of 2021 (her latest course starts on 23 September - in German*), another door to a wonderful world full of simplicity opened.

My self-determination has been given another real boost

As I had already switched my business completely to online by the end of 2018, nothing could throw me off the (offline) track. I always kept in mind that I wanted to work from anywhere so that I could travel and spend time in my beloved England.

And conscious reading works wonderfully from anywhere, because energies know no boundaries, only our minds construct them.

So my mentoring sessions are now consciously based (previously they were subconsciously based - also a learning!) on my connection with the universe (i.e. the field, love, God - whatever you want to call it).
My clients receive impulses for decision-making, clarity in relationship issues, next steps for their business and much more. We can also release blockages and create opportunities and give them a little boost.

I now also record my own meditations from the field and give free live readings to give people an insight into all the possibilities that are available with the field.

It's time to recognise yourself!

Are you inspired by what you have read here? Do you also want to build an even more self-determined life?

Do you want clarity about your next steps so that you know exactly what to do next?

Do you want to get out of the muddle in your head and towards defined goals and razor-sharp focus?

Then take a look around here and book a chat with me to find out if we are a good match!

What experiences have you had on your (spiritual) path?
Let me know in the comments!

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Spiritual path headstand


Letzte Aktualisierung am 25. August 2024
