Your head just won't stand still
The chaos in your head: thoughts are racing, ideas come and go at the same time as you feel empty and overwhelmed. You have achieved so much, are independent and successful - and yet something is missing.
The connection to yourself, to your inner peace and perhaps also to your spirituality seems to have been lost. Let's look together at what is behind this and how you can find your way back to yourself.
Why you feel this way
There are many reasons why we get into this feeling of chaos and emptiness.
Here are the most common causes:
- Too many roles at the same time: you juggle between work, family, friends and personal development on a daily basis. This constant multitasking causes you to lose sight of yourself.
- Perfectionism and high expectations: You want to do everything right and do it perfectly. These high expectations of yourself make you feel inadequate.
- Lack of time out: In the hustle and bustle of everyday life, you forget to take time for yourself. Without these moments of peace and quiet, no real connection to your inner self can develop.
- Unhealthy diet: Our food contains less and less nutrients and more stress. What's more - if you're anything like me - in stressful situations you simply eat what's quickest and then top it off with as much sweet or fatty food as possible.
The consequence is a loss of connection to yourself and your spirituality. Perhaps you used to feel that there was something more - a deep inner connection, an intuition that guided you. In the confusion of everyday life and the circumstances mentioned above, this voice has become quieter.
First steps back to yourself
However, there are of course ways in which you can find your centre again.
These tips will help you to calm the chaos in your head and reconnect with yourself:
1. Take conscious time-outs
Schedule time just for yourself every day, even if it's only 10 minutes. Use this time to meditate, write in your diary or simply be quiet and look out of the window. These little breaks can work wonders.
2. Question your thoughts
Many of the thoughts that overwhelm you are not the truth, but stories that your nonsense (aka ego, mind) is telling you. Ask yourself the question: ‘Is this really true?’ and find out which thoughts really help you move forward. Byron Katie has developed a great tool with ‘The Work’.
3. Connect with your body
Your body is a wonderful anchor when your head is whirling. Shaking, dancing, stretching, singing, conscious breathing exercises or simply a walk in nature help you to get back to the here and now.
4. Rediscover your spirituality
Whether it's meditation, energy work or reading the morphic field - find out what connects you to your inner self, what reconnects you. Your spiritual tools are a powerful way to regain access to your intuition and find clarity.
You know you don't have to do it all on your own!
I can also go into the field for you and see what you need.
Added value for your life
Reconnecting with yourself not only changes your inner experience, but also your actions. With a clear head and a deep connection to your intuition, you will make decisions with more confidence. Your energy will flow more purposefully and the feeling of emptiness will be replaced by inner fulfilment.
You will realise that you are no longer dependent on external confirmation because your strength comes from within. The chaos gives way to a feeling of order and inner peace. Your projects and goals gain new momentum because you have access to your creativity again. Your relationship with yourself becomes the basis for a more fulfilling life.
The tools and methods that you integrate into your everyday routine will help you to stay centred even in stressful times. And you may even discover new sides to yourself that were previously hidden from you. This journey to yourself is not a luxury, but an investment in your quality of life.
How ‘The Speaking Mind’ supports you
My voice mentoring The Speaking Mind is about reconnecting with yourself. Together we create space for clarity, calm and inner balance. What can you expect?
1. Your very own personal space
This mentoring is all about you. It is a protected space in which you can unfold and rediscover yourself. Here you can simply be yourself, with all your thoughts and ideas.
2. Individual methods for inner balance
You will be given tools that are exactly right for you. Whether meditation, intuitive techniques or energetic exercises - we will find your way to get back to your centre.
3. Release inner blockages
I use quantum healing and intuitive work to help you let go of fears, doubts and old patterns. You will feel how lightness and clarity spread through your life.
4. Clarity through impulses from the morphic field
Through my connection to the field, you will always receive inspiration for your growth. We find out what is really important and bring structure to your world of thoughts.
You are ready to find your inner peace
With The Speaking Mind, we make exactly that possible - step by step, at your own pace.
Want to find out more? Then let's talk! Together we'll find out how I can best support you. Click here and book an appointment to get to know me - I look forward to accompanying you on your journey.