Group Mentoring

Do you want to live an independent life?

You can start any time!

5 months to get your dream life on track

  • Do you feel that it is time for your change?
  • Are you ready to go for yourself and your desires?
  • Have you had enough of keeping yourself down and trying to please everyone but yourself?
  • Do you want to take control of your life NOW?
  • Do you long for peace within yourself?
  • Can it finally be "just" about you?
Claudia Heimgartner selbstbestimmt

Out of the waiting game, into full life!

We all encounter similar obstacles, beliefs and terror barriers in our lives. The pressure you feel, the fear of not being enough or of disappointing someone, we know just as well.

This group is about growing together. To (re)discover self-determination together.

  • We break down boundaries.
  • We loosen blockades.
  • You learn to establish new habits that strengthen you.
  • You regain your (mental) power.
  • You finally go for YOU.
  • We give your dreams space.
  • You get YOUR clear idea of freedom.
  • You empower yourself to claim this freedom for yourself.
  • We fill your energetic vessel so that you can give and live healthily again.
  • We will find ways to enable you to live your dream life.
  • Let's go into trust with each other!

You get support in letting go of structures that no longer serve you. We hold the space for you to unfold.

If that is what you want, how you want to feel, how you want to live....

...then this mentoring is for you - click!

Claudia Heimgartner Digitale Nomadin

It's time...

... To realise that you decide how your day, your year, your life is.

... To make your decisions FOR YOU and to learn to deal with the consequences.

... To decide for yourself.

... To love yourself more.

... To trust yourself again.

I know that very well, we'll find a way out of it!

What you get when you join us and go for yourself:

In the 5 months you experience:

  • Weekly group mentoring sessions via Zoom incl. recordings.
  • Exclusive "mindset lessons" according to the laws of attraction and vibration.
  • Readings in the morphic field for you, for the group - as we need it.
  • A private Facebook group for exchange or messenger chat for instant help and motivation.
  • The group dynamics of people who want the same as you!
  • My personal presence and energy, support and impulses from the field.
Claudia Heimgartner selbstbestimmt

You finally want to...

... to be understood, supported and guided!

... feel and hear yourself and your wishes again!

... be at peace with yourself!

... live your dream life relaxed, free and with ease!

Yeah, we'll get there together!

Do you have what it takes?

To successfully conduct this mentoring, you may:

  • Commit yourself completely to your own goals and dreams.
  • Have an open mind to shift and relearn your beliefs.
  • Be willing to leave old paths and implement new habits.
  • Take full responsibility for your life and stop blaming circumstances or other people.
  • Want to go through your self-built limiting thoughts.
  • Be in a healthy state of mind and in full self-responsibility!

I believe in you, you can do this.
Let’s create your dream life now!

Your investment in yourself, in your life:  € 4'444.-

Claudia Heimgartner Mentorin

You know thoughts like...

... am I good enough?

... am I doing the right thing?

... can I just say NO now?

... once again, this is not about me....

Then come to the programme, you are not alone!

Claudia Heimgartner
Your Mentor

If I were an Indian, my name would probably be "The one who talks with her hands" 😉

I have been working on my mindset every day since 2009. I meditate, educate myself and actively practice deep gratitude.

Thanks to my wonderful intuition I also consciously integrate reading in the morphic field. This way I can support you even better in finding your own personal path, releasing your fears and blockages, really connecting with your goals and achieving them.

I like to call conscious reading "my loving turbo" because it brings us easily and quickly into the solution.

Oh yes, since I am Swiss you might notice a funny accent that I've kept even after 3 years living in England.

Claudia Heimgartner Vanlife

Turn your life around in 5 months

  • Learn how to set big goals and the way how to manifest them into your reality!
  • Turn your ideas into plans and your plans into a healthy, wealthy concept.
  • Go for the life you and your loved ones deserve.
  • Feedback Vera Sistig

    Claudia is wholeheartedly with "her ladies". She sees where there are deficiencies, addresses them and directs them with specific questions. She is a sympathetic and emphatic coach and I love her accent.

    Vera Sistig

    Frequently asked questions

    When does the Group Mentoring start?

    We are starting anew in autumn 2022 - get in touch when you're ready!
    There will be weekly live coaching sessions together in a Zoom room where you can ask your questions and exchange ideas. Each session will last between 60 and 75 minutes.
    The sessions will be recorded and made available for viewing afterwards.

    We determine the exact day of the week and time together.

    How big are the groups?

    To allow for individuality, there is a maximum of 10 places per group.

    You prefer exclusive VIP mentoring? Send me an email and we make it happen!

    What if I can’t be there live?

    Of course, live participation is ideal, but not mandatory. The coaching sessions are recorded and are available for you to watch afterwards on the course platform.

    You can ask your questions in the group at any time and you will definitely get an answer.

    Can I pay by instalments?

    Yes. In a personal conversation we can look together at what is feasible for you. Just send me an email.
